Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Countdown

We are at T-16 days for blast-off to Japan. (Our plane leaves on August 6th at 7am to be precise.)  Most of the suitcases are packed but we still have a few more things to purchase and stuff in them.  While I have had a million questions (Sorry, CAJ staff!), we have a peace that passes all understanding about our upcoming journey.  We are ready!

This summer has flown past us!  Emme and I went went to children's church camp.  Jeremy, Drew, and Luke went to Glorietta in New Mexico for youth camp.  We have visited my mom in Oklahoma, my siblings in Texas and Oklahoma, my in-laws in San-Antonio, and drove to Houston twice to get visas.  We are almost ready (ready as we can be) for those last good-byes (at least until we come back to visit next summer).

Thank you to those of us who have prayed for us.  While we may be out of touch on Facebook for about a week during the beginning of August, we hope to be able to update you again once we get an internet connection in Japan.